I'm not a music nerd, at all, but for the past few years, I have tried to get more into music. And I'm happy to say, I have (somewhat) succeeded! I have began to religiously listen to a few artists, and that's what I want to talk about!


Yonkagor SLAPS. They were the first artist I really got into. Usually, I really don't like normal pop music since it feels really corporate and bland, but Yonkagor is special. Their songs are groovy, and they have that stylish factor (idk if that makes sense) that makes them stand out from the usual pop music track. Their best tracks are Top 10 Things To Do Before You Die, Memory Merge and You'll Be Gone. In additon, they're a furry. That's all I need to say.



This is a weird one
So I learned about Femtanyl through a Heaven Studio remix (this one) and, at first, I was confused. I couldn't understand half of the lyrics, the gorey imagery made me feel uneased and it also went WAY too fast. But I had to listen one more time just to make sure.

And one more time.

And one more time.

And another one.

Femtanyl is insanely good. Most of Femtanyl's tracks have that blood stained hook to it. At first, you don't get the song, but you just have to listen again. The songs are just garbled mess at first, but they become more coherent the more you listen to them. And that's awesome. Plus, the lyrics are really catchy and memorable, even if they're barely audible. In short, Femtanyl is awesome. My favorite songs from Noelle, Femtanyl's acctual name, are DINNER!, KATAMARI and PUSH YOUR T3MPRR, but pretty much all of her songs are amazing.

amazing blinkies i found amazing blinkies i found amazing blinkies i found


idk i like music ig